What we focus on magnifies and manifests. Philippians 4:8, from the New Testament, provides a blueprint for creating a happy and healthy life.
Philippians 4:8 – The Power of Focus
Susie Hayes2016-09-03T14:47:28-06:00September 25th, 2016|Business Coaching, Habit Change, Happiness, Hypnosis, Motivation, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Peace, Positive Outcomes, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Self Worth, Spirituality, Stress Management, Success, Transformation|
About the Author: Susie Hayes

With over 30 years experience, Susie is here to help you become FREED from Stuck! Whether it’s counseling (psychotherapy), hypnosis, sex therapy/education, business or life coaching, she can help you “access internal resources you never knew you had, to create what you never knew you could”.
If you really desire to live a better quality of life, contact Susie now. She’s here to help you through the pain and frustration, to release the blocks you’re experiencing, and to move to a place of action and success in your life.
Contact Susie Now for Your Free Initial Consultation