
How to Get Out of the Stagnant Spiral of Depression and Anxiety

With the confines of the past year, we saw a significant increase in depression and anxiety.  Sustained depression and anxiety always creates stagnation.  Stagnation becomes a breeding ground for toxicity. One element [...]

2021-03-06T14:03:35-07:00March 6th, 2021|Anxiety, Change, Coping Skills, Depression|

Freed From Stuck, Unmasking the Ego and Bridges to Your Destiny with Susie Hayes

Last week I was invited to be a guest on the EnLIGHTenUP podcast, hosted by Nicole Frolick, Lisa Watson, and Brian Koenigberg  We had a great discussion, and I want to [...]

How to Let Yourself “Off the Hook”

Let’s start at the end . . . result. What do you hope to accomplish by keeping yourself “on the hook”?  Perhaps your thought process might be – “If I keep [...]

The Joy of Shaping Your Own Life!

How do you want to shape this day? How do you want to shape this week? How do you want to shape your life? One of the most toxic and disempowering [...]

How to Deepen Your Joy and Lighten Your Sorrow!

This week a dear friend surprised me with this gift.  She said,  “I was in Catalina, I saw this, and I thought of you.”  Wow, how cool is that! “May your [...]

What are the Benefits of Failure?

We’ve all know the pain of failure.  Me too.  Lots of times. Several days ago I was reflecting on how certain decisions took me down certain paths.  I was thinking about [...]

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