This week a dear friend surprised me with this gift.  She said,  “I was in Catalina, I saw this, and I thought of you.”  Wow, how cool is that!

“May your joy be as DEEP as the ocean; your sorrow as light as its foam.”

I eagerly hung it in my office.

I believe this is how we are meant to live.  It’s certainly what I aspire to in my own life.  It’s not always easy, because life can deal some strong blows.

Here’s some tips I’ve discovered to deepen your joy and lighten your sorrow.

Remembering that what you focus on “magnifies, manifests, multiplies, and magnetizes”, placing your attention, as much and as often as possible, on the following, will deepen your joy and lighten your sorrow:

  • What brings me gratitude?
  • What choices make me feel good about yourself?
  • What makes my heart sing?
  • What soothes my spirit?
  • What makes me smile?
  • What makes me laugh?
  • What makes me proud of myself?
  • What gives me that deep sense of satisfaction in my soul?
  • What resources have I cultivated in my life that will continue to serve me the rest of your life (i.e., resilience, perseverance, compassion, faith, discipline, loyalty, humor, connection), no matter what and in the midst of life’s difficulties?
  • What relationships, experiences, situations, and interactions serve the highest and best for me and those I care about?
  • What generates self respect in me?
  • What brings me sustained contentment and peace?
  • What increases my energy?
  • What lifts my spirits?
  • What stimulates my curiosity?
  • What causes my creativity to go wild?
  • What makes me say to myself, “Well done.”?

Follow these directives (desires) of your heart, and you will find immeasurable wisdom, guidance, and insight.