
Waiting For The Light To Change

"If we could look at each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, [...]

Is Anticipating Blessing the Same As Magical Thinking?

"Giving thanks for unknown blessings already on their way"??? I must admit when I first read this quote, I felt a rather child-like excitement; something akin to anticipating the arrival of Santa's [...]

Using Mistakes and Failure – Foundational to Success

If you're not making mistakes or failing, then you're living in a lukewarm comfort zone.  It is impossible to be successful, creative, productive, or contributing without error or failure. I've never known [...]

Decision-Making and the Change Process – the Power of Patience

Are the changes you want to make taking too long?  If so, consider this - Cognitive neuroscience considers "patience" to be a decision-making dilemma.  Having the option, research shows that all animals, [...]

How to Turn Regret Into Celebration

It is important as we reflect on the choices that we make to do so for only two purposes (1) to celebrate and reinforce the choices that have improved our quality of [...]

Why Do We Choose the Opposite of What We Really Want?

There is a basic, instinctive intelligence, that resides in our unconscious mind; it holds the wisdom we need to live our highest quality of life.  We were born with this wisdom. So [...]

Processing Life As It Is – Not As You Wish It To Be

This does not mean we are to be passive, compliant, or inactive.  Rather we are to be the opposite - to be engaged, assertive, and active. Note Dr. Wayne Dyer's quote - [...]

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