Waiting For The Light To Change
"If we could look at each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, [...]
"If we could look at each others hearts, and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, [...]
Let's stop cursing the aging process. This month is my birthday. (Gifts, cards, and parties are welcome!) I will turn 59. One year before 60. I'm apprehensive. Not sure what my 60's will [...]
"Giving thanks for unknown blessings already on their way"??? I must admit when I first read this quote, I felt a rather child-like excitement; something akin to anticipating the arrival of Santa's [...]
If you're not making mistakes or failing, then you're living in a lukewarm comfort zone. It is impossible to be successful, creative, productive, or contributing without error or failure. I've never known [...]
Are the changes you want to make taking too long? If so, consider this - Cognitive neuroscience considers "patience" to be a decision-making dilemma. Having the option, research shows that all animals, [...]
This week I had a shocking and sad experience. The first (and only, I wish!) of its kind for me. Unexpectedly several family members responded to a posting on my Facebook page, [...]
It is important as we reflect on the choices that we make to do so for only two purposes (1) to celebrate and reinforce the choices that have improved our quality of [...]
There is a basic, instinctive intelligence, that resides in our unconscious mind; it holds the wisdom we need to live our highest quality of life. We were born with this wisdom. So [...]
This does not mean we are to be passive, compliant, or inactive. Rather we are to be the opposite - to be engaged, assertive, and active. Note Dr. Wayne Dyer's quote - [...]
This morning it was 21 degrees in Denver. Quite the contrast from last week. Last week I was in Ft. Lauderdale having lunch with several friends on Las Olas Boulevard, not far [...]