Reflections on Freedom – Why Freedom is Essential to Our Well-Being

This Labor Day Weekend we consider why freedom is essential to our well being. Freedom is sacred; to be appreciated, cultivated, and protected.
What is Real? Asked the Rabbit

From “The Velveteen Rabbit”
Our Deepest Fear – Not

In 2014, Yahoo conducted a survey to identify The Top Ten Fears: Agoraphobia – fear of being trapped, such as a crowded event Trypophobia – fear of irregular patterns of holes or clusters, such as beehives or swiss cheese Xenophobia – fear of people or backgrounds foreign to one’s self Arachnophobia – fear of spiders Coulrophobia […]
Despite Everything
Why Are You Afraid of Self-Affirmation?

Over the years I’ve noticed an interesting pattern. Sometimes when a person wants to change a habit or a pattern, s/he is quick to self-judgment and is fearful – yes, fearful – of self-affirmation. Why in the world would anyone be afraid of affirmation? Fear of becoming complacent or lazy “If I acknowledge how successful […]
Here’s to Old Dogs!

Sometimes when I sit down to write to you, it comes very easily. This week not so much. My mind was filled with so many thoughts; so much has impacted our planet this week. I couldn’t seem to sort through what I wanted to share with you; I would find myself trailing off or going […]
What Does “Freedom” Really Mean?

Despite the complex challenges we face in our nation and in our world today, as Americans, we pause to celebrate The Fourth of July – our Independence Day. With gratitude, we reflect on . . . what it means to live in freedom. “The Free Dictionary” identifies eleven definitions of freedom. Personal liberty (as from […]
What’s the Difference Between a Visitor and a Guest?

“We are visitors on this planet. We are here for ninety or one hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful, with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life.” It is true […]
Be Our Gift

There’s nothing like a quiet breakaway to the mountains – away from the stimulating adrenaline rush of the city. The fresh, crisp air, the majesty of trees, rocks, streams, lakes, flowers, birds, clouds – the colors, the beauty. Ahhh, just thinking about the mountains is wonderful. Deep, relieving breaths are irresistible. It’s so . . […]
How to Keep Damage From Controlling Your LIfe

Every day I hear fascinating stories. Stories of love, joy, happiness, and celebration. I also hear stories of pain, suffering, grief, loss, tragedy and trauma. No one is exempt. No one. Our lives are filled with much for which we are grateful – particularly for those in our lives that care about us; those who […]