Problem Solving – First Learn How to Do a Problem Well

Have you ever tried to make a change, and failed? Like getting out of depression or anxiety, stopping self-sabotage or procrastination, or stopping poor health habits? Or have you always succeeded in making a change without ever failing? Becoming happy and peaceful, allowing success and self-worth to flourish, developing energetic self health care? That’s right. […]
Intelligent Action – Prevent Being a Victim By Reclaiming Your Power

How does taking full, complete responsibility for your every thought, feeling, choice, action, and reaction change your life? When you blame others or outside circumstances, you give up your ability to make change. You see yourself as a victim and feel helpless. When you stop blaming others and outside circumstances, and when you take full, complete responsibility […]
Anger Management – When Anger Feels Out of Control, How to Turn it Into an Asset

Our lives are freighted with frustrations. One at a time we might manage, but when they accumulate, it becomes overwhelming. Nerves fray. Sometimes we are shocked at our mean, vicious, and aggressive thoughts. We hurt most deeply the ones we love the most. So what is really happening? How do we manage these urges, thoughts, […]
If We Had No Winter – Moving Through Grief, Loss and Suffering

The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April day When the sun is out and wind is still, You’re one month on in the middle of May. But if you so much As dare to speak, A cloud comes over the sunlit arch, A wind comes […]
Pet Euthanasia – When We Must Choose to Say Good-bye

When you are at a crossroad about your pet’s well-being – whether to continue medical intervention or allow your pet to pass on, it is not an easy decision. Though your veterinarian can give you information about your pet’s physical condition, only you can best judge the quality of your pet’s daily life. As you […]
When Is a Ship Better Than a Raft?

In case you haven’t noticed, life can be difficult. Perhaps your life is difficult right now. No one is exempt. No one. There is one thing you need to know in order to cope when life is difficult or tragic. One ingredient is required in order to make it through the darkest of times. One […]
FREED from Stuck! Dare to Cross the Bridge Beyond Grief, Trauma, and Self-Sabotage to Discover Lasting Change Now

Have you been wondering why you keep getting passed-up for that big promotion at work? Why do you start a new diet or exercise routine only to find it ending before it begins? Are you frustrated because you keep choosing dissatisfying relationships? Are you tired of self-sabotage, procrastination, disorganization, feeling out of control and generally […]
Four Agreements That Would Transform the Political Landscape

Today I completed my mail-in ballot for 2016. I’m kind of a political junkie, so I was informed about the candidates. I researched the judges and studied the pros and cons of the amendments. I felt good that I had voted thoughtfully and responsibly. We’re living in a chaotic time of change. I’m actually excited about […]
How to Ignite the Results You Want

Last weekend I attended “Believe – the Ultimate Business Conference for Women” in Kansas City, MO. With over 1,000 women (and a handful of wise men) and 18 energetic, wildly successful, authentic, open-hearted presenters coming together, the Convention Center rocked with enthusiastic women eager to inspire each other and to learn how to build and […]
Philippians 4:8 – The Power of Focus

What we focus on magnifies and manifests. Philippians 4:8, from the New Testament, provides a blueprint for creating a happy and healthy life.