Courage – Wisely Rebuilding Our Lives
We're moving through a sobering time. A time of loss, grief, and change. We're re-building our lives in new ways, in a world as it's never been before. We've evaluated what's important [...]
We're moving through a sobering time. A time of loss, grief, and change. We're re-building our lives in new ways, in a world as it's never been before. We've evaluated what's important [...]
With the confines of the past year, we saw a significant increase in depression and anxiety. Sustained depression and anxiety always creates stagnation. Stagnation becomes a breeding ground for toxicity. One element [...]
We have never faced a more challenging holiday season. The usual stressors of the holidays are compounded this year by the ravages of COVID-19, political dividedness, social isolation, loss of loved ones, [...]
It was a year ago today that my dear friend, Peg Connolly, picked me up at the hospital and brought me home. I had been admitted four days earlier with acute [...]
Time is precious. You are precious. Life is precious. Put aside what’s been preoccupying you, distracting you, and draining your energy. Focus today on what brings you joy. How do you know [...]
One of the greatest gifts (skills) you can cultivate is not inspiration, motivation, organization, or education. One of the greatest gifts you can cultivate is learning how to soothe. Yes, soothe. [...]
Last week I was invited to be a guest on the EnLIGHTenUP podcast, hosted by Nicole Frolick, Lisa Watson, and Brian Koenigberg We had a great discussion, and I want to [...]
While I was enjoying my second cup of coffee this morning, a beautiful monarch flew by. I wondered, “What would it be like to see the world from this butterfly’s perspective?” [...]
It's been 30 years since my father exited the planet. He was the passenger in a head-on car accident, not anticipating that transition. He was an active 80 - still traveling, [...]
Let’s start at the end . . . result. What do you hope to accomplish by keeping yourself “on the hook”? Perhaps your thought process might be – “If I keep [...]