The #1 Cause of Loss of Joy, Serenity, Hope, and Trust
What causes joy, serenity, hope, and trust to die in us? The number one cause is . . . . . . Trauma. And none of us are exempt. This week I [...]
What causes joy, serenity, hope, and trust to die in us? The number one cause is . . . . . . Trauma. And none of us are exempt. This week I [...]
“Be gentle with yourself for you are living through a major expansion of your faith and how you use it in the world. You are rewiring decades of old beliefs and shifting [...]
Sent to me by Fran Kenny, one of my Facebook friends, I share this piece of wisdom today. I have a slightly different take on some of these (imagine that!), and I also [...]
We are instinctively created, as part of our basic survival, to avoid pain. We will do everything we can to push it away – blame, project, shame, deny, minimize, berate, distract, and [...]
Do you remember as a child how you anticipated your next birthday? “I’m 7 ½.” you’d proudly say, eager for the next six months to roll by so that you could declare, [...]
I like bumper stickers and vanity plates. They make stopping at red lights more interesting. Last week I saw a sedan with two bumper stickers, side by side. One said, “I’m Proud [...]
"Carpe, Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your life extraordinary." Robin Williams - Dead Poet Society This week I attended a funeral. I was profoundly disappointed that I had driven many [...]
Let's stop cursing the aging process. This month is my birthday. (Gifts, cards, and parties are welcome!) I will turn 59. One year before 60. I'm apprehensive. Not sure what my 60's will [...]
My dear cousin recently shared with me about some important changes in her life. While managing her own personal and professional responsibilities, she has become the primary caregiver for her mother as [...]
It is important as we reflect on the choices that we make to do so for only two purposes (1) to celebrate and reinforce the choices that have improved our quality of [...]