In case you haven’t noticed, life can be difficult.  Perhaps your life is difficult right now.

No one is exempt.  No one.

There is one thing you need to know in order to cope when life is difficult or tragic.  One ingredient is required in order to make it through the darkest of times.

One ingredient will determine whether you face the storms of life on a raft or a ship.

That ingredient is . . .

. . .  Meaning.

Meaning in your life is the only thing that will make a difference in tragedy – especially in times of unnecessary, preventable tragedy.  In the most bitter of times, your ability to hold on to the meaning of your life – your purpose in the world – may be the only thing you have.

So please build meaning well in your life.  Don’t be caught in one of life’s storms barely holding on to a raft.

Before the storm hits, get solid inside your own heart and soul about why it’s important that you are here on our planet.  Otherwise you will experience more pain and fear than is necessary.  You will suffer more on a raft than on a ship.

Creating meaning in your life requires that you:

1.  Stop whining and step up to your responsibilities.  Do what you can do TODAY to be a better person than you were yesterday.  Stop comparing yourself to others.  Rather, compare yourself today to who you were yesterday. Simple, consistent steps stack you upward toward success, and support what is truly most important in your life.  Do the work you need to do to continue to be a better person tomorrow than you are today.

2.  Let go of what no longer serves you, and don’t look back.  “The good ole days” are usually seen through the distorted lens of romanticized idealism.  If you’re holding on to something (location, career, relationship, belief system, habit, or pattern, etc.) that is working against you, please fix it or move on.  Better yet, fix it so you can move on.  You might have to do some grieving.  That’s not easy, but you will be alright.  You’ll be better, actually.  You will be moving forward in alignment with the meaning of your life.  You won’t be clinging to a raft; you’ll be moving forward in a ship.

3.  Stand tall as you focus on being the expression of your best self.  Know your limitations and weaknesses, while staying focused on your vision of your finest self.  You are here purposefully.  When you withhold your light in the world, you leave an empty place of darkness. The world desperately needs you, your light, and your meaningful contributions.  Make no apology for your strengths, gifts, and competencies.  Live like you know this to be true, because it is true.

Anything less is to face the tragic storms of life on a raft.

Consider a meditative reflection of these thoughts –

For further reflection on how to continue to strengthen your ship in life click below:

How to Not Get Lost

About Susie Hayes

With over 30 years experience, Susie is here to help you – as she says – “to access internal resources you never knew you had, to create what you never knew you could”. Whether it’s counseling (psychotherapy), hypnosis, sex therapy/education, business or life coaching – or some combination – Susie provides.
Susie is here to help you – as she always says – “to access internal resources you never knew you had, to create what you never knew you could”. With over 30 years experience in private practice, Susie brings a wealth of skills, experience, and insight to help you move through the challenges facing you right now.
If you really desire to live a better quality of life, please don’t put off contacting Susie. She’s here to help you through the pain and frustration, to release the blocks you’re experiencing, and to move to a place of action and success in your life.

Contact Susie Now for Your Free Initial Consultation