None of us are exempt from aging.  But we can be proactive in taking care of our brain’s health.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association 2011 Facts and FiguresAlzheimer’s is the sixth-leading cause of death in the country. Based on mortality data from 2000-2008, death rates have declined for most major diseases while deaths from Alzheimer’s disease have risen 66 percent during the same period.

There are nearly 15 million Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers providing 17 billion hours of unpaid care, valued at $202 billionFacts and Figures finds that caregivers not only suffer emotionally but also physically. Because of the toll of caregiving on their own health, Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers had $7.9 billion in additional health care costs in 2010. More than 60 percent of family caregivers report high levels of stress because of the prolonged duration of caregiving and 33 percent report symptoms of depression.

Seven Progressive Stages of Dementia

Someone you know is living with dementia. Being aware of the seven stages of progression will help you and your loved ones cope with this insideous disease.

Keep in mind that individuals can also fluxuate among these stages depending on environment, nutrition, additional health concerns, or stressors.

(1) Stage One – No impairment

(2) Stage Two – Very mild

(3) Stage Three – Mild

(4) Stage Four – Moderate

(5) Stage Five – Mildly Severe

(6) Stage Six – Severe

(7) Stage Seven – Very Severe

Seven Steps to Boost Your Brainpower

Research has not yet found a cure or prevention for dementia.  There are lifestyle choices, however, you can make now to keep your brain vital and health, and to reduce your risk of dementia.

(1)  Daily Exercise – variety is the key.  Walking just 15 minutes a day stimulates your brain, oxygenates your lungs, stimulates your circulatory system, and strengthens your muslce.  Vitaliy for your mind, body, heart, and soul.

(2) Life Enhancing Food –  fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains (foods containing antioxidants) protect brain neurons from free radicals (toxic chemicals) that damage cells.  Additional foods such as curcumin (found in tumeric) and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish) are also helpful. Vitamin E, B-12, niacin, and folate have also been suggested to keep your brain healthy.  Toxic food and substances = toxic brain.

(3) Healthful Choices – maintaining healthy weight, not smoking, controlling blood pressure and blood sugar will maximize your brain’s efficiency.

(4) Stress Reduction – reducing stress, relaxing, and getting adequate sleep is essential for maximum mental alterness and functioning.

(5) Mind-Body Activity – solving puzzles, studying or reading about an unfamiliar subject, playing board games, playing a musical instrument or dancing all strengthen the brain cells, the connections between the brain cells, and even the number of brain cells available for your pleasure.

(6) Avoid head injury – wear head protection in sports; wear your seatbelt; stay away from physically aggressive and abusive people.

(7) Socialize – engaging in social activities with friends and family that you enjoy will keep your brain healthier.  Healthy relationships = healthy brain.

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