“Never dwell on one obstacle too long, for tomorrow is another day.”
Last week at this time, I was feeling depleted and fatigued – and I still had several high paced days ahead of me. The frustration was . . . mostly dealing with unkind people.
Everything worked out fine, eventually.
Interestingly, I realized that I gained strength, even as I pushed through; determined that I would not allow the limitations of others to limit me. The crazier it seemed, the more determined I was to stay the course. I persevered until I accomplished what I wanted.
In reflection, I realized how essential my internal dialogue was to my success. Allowing myself only limited “Whine Time”, I stayed on task, confident that life was “unfolding as it should” – bumpy and frustrating, at times – yet “unfolding as it should”. Love Desiderata!
My choice:
“The world is full of idiots!”
“Caring, respectful, appreciative people are my majority.”
“I’m never going to find what I need.”
“I’m not asking for the impossible. What I need is out there waiting for me.”
“What did I do to deserve this insanity?”
“Persistence trumps resistance.”
So I’m here today to simply encourage you that if your day is a bit rough, “Never dwell on one obstacle too long, for tomorrow is another day.” Persistence does trump resistance!