
Triangulation – Let’s Not Talk Directly, Shall We?

What keeps us from - Speaking directly? Taking responsibility for our choices, actions, and words? Confronting difficult situations? In a word, anxiety. We're afraid of the pain - getting hurt, hurting; being blamed, [...]

2019-02-18T17:11:50-07:00October 28th, 2018|Communication, Parenting, Psychology, Relationships|

How to Know if You or Someone You Know is Being Abused

When I'm first getting acquainted with a client, the subject of abuse often comes up. When I ask, "Do you feel you are being abused?", often I hear, "Oh, no, well . [...]

2019-02-18T17:16:05-07:00October 22nd, 2018|Communication, Parenting, Psychology, Relationships|

Three Necessary Elements to Become FREED from Self-Condemnation

What if you could change your frustration, disappointment, and condemnation into something different . . . something better . . . ? If you are blocked, constricted, or frustrated in some part [...]

2018-08-26T07:26:34-06:00August 26th, 2018|Habit Change, Happiness, Psychology, Self Worth, Success|

Problem Solving – First Learn How to Do a Problem Well

Have you ever tried to make a change, and failed? Like getting out of depression or anxiety, stopping self-sabotage or procrastination, or stopping poor health habits? Or have you always succeeded in [...]

2018-08-20T13:19:15-06:00August 20th, 2018|Coping Skills, Habit Change, Psychology, Success|

Seven Stages of Dementia and Seven Steps to Boost Your Brainpower

None of us are exempt from aging.  But we can be proactive in taking care of our brain's health. According to the Alzheimer's Association 2011 Facts and Figures, Alzheimer's is the sixth-leading cause of [...]

2018-08-14T15:16:34-06:00August 15th, 2018|Life Transitions, Psychology|

When Is a Ship Better Than a Raft?

In case you haven’t noticed, life can be difficult.  Perhaps your life is difficult right now. No one is exempt.  No one. There is one thing you need to know in order [...]

Why are Some People Just So Charming?

Do you ever wonder what that "magic" is that causes some people to attract others so easily to themselves?  We describe them as charming, personable, or magnetic. Do you ever question why you're [...]

Moving Your Life Forward From the Inside Out

If this past year did not bring to you the progress you wanted, or if you want to accelerate your progress in the coming year, I want to encourage you to look at "Vision, Goals [...]

FREED from Stuck! Dare to Cross the Bridge Beyond Grief, Trauma, and Self-Sabotage to Discover Lasting Change Now

Have you been wondering why you keep getting passed-up for that big promotion at work? Why do you start a new diet or exercise routine only to find it ending before it [...]

Five Lessons Learned From the Geese

Yesterday morning I attended a presentation, hosted by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, on matching resources with needs at a global level.  With newly developed technology and international networking, churches, charities, [...]

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