All of us want to be on the side of success.
I was organizing some digital files this week, and I came across this chart by MaryEllen Tribby, a high level Business Coach. I see no research collaboration, but I think it’s great food for thought.
Personally, I do most items on the Successful Side and some on the Unsuccessful Side. For example, I don’t keep a journal, and I do watch TV every day.
I decided to share this with you to see if this resonates for you.

Successful people
- Have a sense of gratitude
- Compliment others
- Forgive others
- Give other people credit for their victories
- Talk about ideas
- Ready every day
- Accept responsibilities for their failures
- Keep a journal
- Want to success
- Share information and data
- Keep a To BE List
- Set goals
- Develop life plans
- Exude joy
- Embrace change
- Keep a To Do List
- Learn continuously
- Operate from a transformational perspective
Unsuccessful people
- Criticize
- Have a sense of entitlement
- Hold a grudge
- Take all the credit
- Blame others for their failures
- Watch TV every day
- Don’t keep a journal
- Think they know it all
- Fear change
- Fly by the seat of their pants
- Operate from a transactional perspective
- Talk about people
- Secretly hope others fail
- Hoard information and data
- Don’t know what they want to be
- Never set goals
- Exude anger
- Don’t read every day
How we deal with mistakes and failure is also key to being on the Successful Side.